What Is the Perfect Morning Tea?

Fans of Downton Abbey may be fascinated—and a bit envious—of the Crawley daughters' morning ritual of awakening to a tray of hot tea placed upon their recumbent laps by their ladies' maids. I suspect the grand estate house was quite drafty; consequently, more than a few cups of hot tea were consumed before the pampered…

Lipton Tea and British Social Classes

Thomas Lipton was always the master of marketing, especially when it came to touting the fact that he indeed owned the Ceylon gardens wherein his teas were grown. "Direct from the Grower" was one of his favorite slogans. Why then pay the extortionate prices that are being charged by the Trade when you can buy…

When to Add Milk to Tea

The habit of putting milk in tea reportedly started in France. Madame de Sévigné described how Madame de la Sablière launched the fashion: Madame de Ia Sahlière took her tea with milk, as she told me the other day, because it was to her taste.Much of the tea produced in India, Sri Lanka, and Kenya is…